Just A Podcast

Ethan Russell

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Our podcast is really "Just A Podcast." It may grow into something big, it may be God's calling for those who serve God through it, and it may point others to Christ who is the way to Salvation. But ultimately this podcast is apart of the world too. Just like a phone, or mouths; it can be used for Good, and it can also be used for evil. So in correlation to God's prescribed will, may we choose him over us. We won't make a false statement saying everyday we pray that this be God's will because we understand that it is. But in gratitude of this spiritual gift we say that we are all sinners, and somethings said may be wrong. And that's okay. Keeping God first will allow truth to prevail as God is truth. We know God never made humans understand everything rather a willingness to understand what we can. So with eagerness let's seek Christ together. Amen!

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